Every penny counts: One-time donation via transfer
You want to give a one-time donation to a little patient? With your donation,Acute support for children and adolescents in Lebanon (ASCAL) can finance the necessary medical treatment of diseased children and adolescents in need. Do you want to do your share? Then transfer now!
You can find more information on those children and their families who need your support now and today under little patients.
Bank account
VR-Bank Altenburger Land
Kontoinhaber: Akut-Hilfe für Kinder und Jugendliche im Libanon e.V.
IBAN: DE07830654080004966805
The association guarantees its donors and supporters that it makes sure every person receiving support is in need for help. The association furthermore guarantees that every incoming donation is used for direct help, not for costs arising in the framework of the association’s work.
Donations and grants to recognized non-profit foundations and organizations are tax deductible according to §10b of the Income Tax Act.
Please send us your name and address so we can provide you with a contribution receipt: